Luckily for me in the past 2 months I’ve made a quite a few 1st birthday cakes and while I don’t remember my own 1st birthday cake, I’ll certainly remember theirs.
One of my last big cakes last year was this Winnie the Pooh cake. When the request came through to make this cake I happily accepted whilst having a mild heart attack as to how, with my limited artistic ability, I was going recreate the characters. Luckily I managed to find some premade characters which made my life a lot easier!
Last week I had a panicked call from an old colleague asking me if I could please help her make a xylophone cake for her daughters birthday. She had ordered it from somewhere else and they'd let her down at the last minute. It was a bit of a rush, but I was very happy with the end result, as was she!
This weekends project was a Circus themed cake with animal cupcakes.
The tent was boring before the bunting and doors were added, but this was a classic case of the little details making up the cake. Once the animals were added, I just loved the end result and I think this is one of my favourite cakes.
So while the birthday girls will only remember their cakes from pictures, I'll remember every detail that went into them all.