Monday, 28 January 2013

A mad hatter to start the year

The Sprinkles new year has started with a bang.  After a 3 week break, I arrived home to make cake pops before even unpacking my bags.  Cake pops by now, can be done with my eyes closed, however this past weekend had me challenging myself , my baking skills and my limited artistic ability!

I had a request to make a cake and cupcakes for a mad hatter themed kitchen tea. I love the theme and it is so easy to go overboard.

I started with the cupcakes as they’re quick to do and I knew how I wanted them to look.  I dedicated an afternoon to prepare the cupcake décor so it was just a matter of assembly

Tea cup cake


The cake was a bit more of a challenge, but after doing some online research, I saw an idea and decided to give the cake my own twist. In my head, the biggest challenge was going to be making the tea cup for the top of the cake. As it turned out, thanks to a silicone bowl the perfect teacup size, my cup ended up being quite simple to make.

Overall I’m really happy with how it all turned out.  I’m just glad I wasn’t around to watch my hat being demolished!