A year ago my nursery school friend had a surprise baby
shower in anticipation of the arrival of her baby. I was asked to please make some cupcakes for
the party (something I never mind doing).
Knowing that she was expecting a boy made my decorating decision very
easy – obviously blue, and then I decided to decorate the cupcakes with
Cole has just celebrated his 1st birthday and Claire
asked me to please make some buttons for the birthday cake and cupcakes. The party theme was primary colours and
included a multi coloured worm. Along
with the buttons, I was asked to please make a worm for the cake, and Claire
took on the task of making the cake.
So last week I sat down to some serious button making! 200 buttons and one worm later, I was very
excited to see how the cake would look. The primary colours looked amazing and
made a nice change to the pastels that I normally use.